bring disgrace onの例文
- the reason why i came here knowng i will be killed is that i do not want to bring disgrace on my family for generations .'
「殺されるのを合点で来るのは、末代までの名誉のため。」 - if a bloody affair occurs in the premises , it does not just bring disgrace on mizuno ' s family , so please .'
刃傷沙汰にもなると家名に傷がつくどころで済まないのでくれぐれもお願い申す。」とのこと。 - it is said that masanori ' s application paper was received by masazumi , but was left on purpose by toshikatsu in order to bring disgrace on masazumi ' s reputation .
正純が受け取った届出を利勝らが正純の信頼を失墜させるためわざと放置していたと言うものである。 - however , chobei turns down his request , saying , ' if i was afraid of your master and avoided to face him , people would say i was coward , which would bring disgrace on my reputation .'